21 December 2020

Why you should look forward to getting older

older couple walking in autumnal park

There are often unfavourable connotations linked with growing older and people aim to cling onto their youth. However, we think that growing older is an amazing part of life and that there are so many reasons to be excited about old age.

If you are wondering what you have to look forward to, read on to discover some of the best things about growing older.

Watching family and loved ones grow

One amazing thing about growing older is being able to do so alongside your family and loved ones and seeing people’s lives play out. Whether it’s watching a grandchild grow into an adult and discovering the amazing person they are or following a close friend’s fascinating life story with a front-row seat, it can be amazingly rewarding to see how those around us grow.

Sara, a blogger at Cook with 5 Kids, told us this is what has impacted her the most: “The best thing about getting older is that I can see the amazing human beings that my adult children are turning into. All the long hours and difficult days when they were young have been worth it as they are awesome young adults now.”

Francis from Craft Multimedia also spoke to us about their family, explaining that: “Growing up isn't so bad, and I look forward to getting older and passing my knowledge on to my kids and grandkids about how we survived and conquered obstacles, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

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Perspective and maturity

With age comes experience and wisdom, and, as you age, you’ll gain both perspective and maturity in spades. Through life experiences and learning more about the world, you’ll not only be able to pass along sage advice to those who are looking for it but make more informed decisions with your own life. They say every day is a school day, and the lessons we learn along the way can help make up more rounded and level-headed human beings.

This perspective and maturity can make a big difference in a lot of areas of life but one where it has a great impact is in relationships. With more mature relationships in your life, whether with friends, family or partners, you’ll be able to foster much deeper connections and true bonds.

Dee from DB Reviews agrees, telling us: “As I have gotten older, I have realised that people and experiences are way more important than things (however expensive the things might be). This is something I have also learnt from my father who always says that it is relationships and experiences that make one's life a good and well-lived life.”

This perspective is something that blogger Arnann Jay looks forward to: “I look forward to growing older because life is moving forward. Getting older isn't just about wrinkles, poor memory or home stair lifts. It's about increasing knowledge, expertise and building emotional resilience. As we age, our time horizons grow shorter and our goals change. Because when we recognize that we don't have all the time in the world, we see our priorities more clearly. We focus less on trivial matters. We're becoming more appreciative. We invest our emotions on important things."

“Getting older should be seen as an opportunity to look forward to because that’s exactly what it is. With all the craziness in the world, normalcy is fleeting. We can’t predict what will happen next. But we can take life as it comes. Cherish whatever that we have right now. Value life. Our family. Our friends. The people we love. We can always make money, but we can never make your present moment again. Once it’s gone, it’ll never come back again.”

Self-confidence and acceptance

One thing that comes with ageing for many is a boost in self-confidence and acceptance. As people start to feel more comfortable in their own skin and worry less about what people think about them, they can find a weight lifted from their shoulders.

Jodie, the Maidenhead Mum, told us that this is something she has already noticed in her life: “I have found getting older to be quite liberating. I’m now much better at knowing which fashions or trends to ignore and I feel happier buying things and doing things that I personally enjoy rather than what the media or my peers are telling me to do. This applies to most things in life too - you get wise to the experiences that will bring you joy and have the confidence to say no when you don’t want to do something.”

Karina from Mum’s the Nerd agrees with Jodie, telling us: “I'm getting older myself which is something that I used to dread when I was younger but as the years tick by, I'm feeling more comfortable in my own skin. I'm more accepting of my body and its flaws. It seems the older I get, the more confident I feel and the less I care what others think.”

Stacey, the owner of Planthaya, is excited about her Audrey Hepburn moment, she explains: “I love the classic style only a lady of a certain age can pull off fabulously. I’m looking forward to getting older and embracing my inner Audrey Hepburn and being old enough to not care if I’m too overdressed for Aldi.”

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A range of benefits and discounts

One of the amazing things about turning 60 is the vast range of perks and benefits many businesses and services will offer you. It may be a small thing but knowing that when you decide you want a day out you won’t have to spend so much can be a great feeling, and with such a range of concessions across attractions and businesses you’re sure to find a new experience for a great price.

As we already know, when you retire, you’ll suddenly have ample free time to invest in yourself and loved ones and having new experiences or spending more time on your favourite hobbies is a great way to spend that time. With the amazing perks and benefits for the over 60s, you’ll be sure to find some wallet-friendly ways to spend your days.

Why you should look forward to getting older:

  • Watching family and loved ones grow
  • Perspective and maturity
  • Self-confidence and acceptance
  • A range of benefits and discounts

So, there you have it, growing older isn’t that bad after all! In fact, we’d say that your later years can be some of the most amazing of your life with unforgettable experiences, lasting friendships and a focus on your self and your happiness.

For more tips, guides, and advice, make sure to visit our news page.