21 December 2021

Latest Covid-19 Update

Keeping everyone safe is our top priority as we continue our activities aimed at making everyday life easier for our customers.  

In light of updated government guidance in the UK, we’re continuing to ask all associates to wear masks during home visits and in our offices, maintain social distancing measures, and take regular lateral flow tests. 

Working safely in homes 

Please help us to do everything we can to keep all our customers, our partners and our people safe. 

Before your appointment 

Let us know if anyone in your home: 

  • has Covid-19 symptoms (high temperature, new continuous cough, loss of taste/smell) in the 10 days before we visit 
  • is shielding or vulnerable 
  • has been asked to self-isolate 

​On the day, we’ll call to see if anything has changed. 

During your appointment 

Our surveyors and engineers will follow the latest rules and guidance from the relevant health authorities in England, Scotland and Wales: 

  • wash or sanitise their hands before entering your home – and at regular intervals during the appointment 
  • wear a face covering (unless they are medically exempt from doing so)
  • keep at least 1m away from you at all times 

We will continue to work together with our trusted partners to provide and install adaptations which help as many people as we can to remain living safely and independently at home.