04 February 2022

Great exercise equipment for those with limited mobility

Older women using a seated pedal machine

Exercise is an essential tool for a long, happy and healthy life. We’ve all heard the stories about the benefits exercise can bring, however, for those with limited mobility, getting started can be intimidating and hard. However, wherever you are in your life you deserve to feel good about yourself, experience the endorphins exercise can release and have hobbies that better your life.

The NHS remarks: “Whatever your age, there's strong scientific evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and happier life.

“People who exercise regularly have a lower risk of developing many long-term (chronic) conditions, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and some cancers. Research shows that physical activity can also boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress, clinical depression, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.”

In this article, we explore some of the best bits of exercise equipment for those with limited mobility to use. So, whether you choose to buy them to use in the privacy of your own home or seek out a fitness centre with them, you can know that you are taking the first step to a happier life.

Seated Pedal Exerciser

It doesn’t need to be all of your body that’s moving at once for it to be a beneficial and worthwhile exercise. The seated pedaller is a great example of this, as you can sit in front of the TV and still get your body moving! Offering two pedals, you strap your feet in and pedal them as you would if you were riding a bike, however, by sitting as you do so the weight is off of your legs and knees simply allowing you to focus on the movement. Some machines allow you to change the resistance so you can work up, or, for those who want to take it to another level you can do these standing as well (although you should have something to hold on to, to ensure you stay balanced.)


Walking is a wonderful activity, however, for those with limited mobility, it can be intimidating knowing you’ll be moving away from your home and safe space and, should you need to stop, you will need to find your way home. This is where a treadmill can be especially useful. Allowing you to get the steps in whilst giving the peace of mind that, should you need a break, you can stop instantly and sit down, a treadmill can be a great investment for someone who wants to improve their mobility.

If you are in the market for a treadmill, Treadmill Reviews offers these tips: “While there are many variables to consider, the best treadmills for seniors all share unique comfort and safety features:

  • “High quality cushioning to make exercise gentler on your joints
  • Power incline to shift pressure away from your knees and allow fast calorie burn, even at slow paces 
  • Easy-to-read digital displays
  • Special safety features”

Active older women on home treadmill

Grip Strength Tools

Limited mobility can affect any part of the body, and for some people, it has the biggest negative effect on the hands by taking away grip strength meaning picking things up can be hard. If this sounds like you, there are a range of grip strength tools on the market that can help you train up your grip strength once more. As a basic, there are stress balls and grip balls which will offer some resistance when being squeezed, or you can get purpose-made grip machines that are intended to help you improve the strength in your hands. These can all be used whilst sitting down so are great to have to get some exercise in whilst relaxing.

Yoga Mat

A yoga mat is a simple thing to buy but can open doors to a whole range of exercise offerings. Online, you’ll be able to find all manner of yoga tutorials and guided videos that can help you start this exercise quickly and easily, and all you need is a mat to protect you from the floor. A low-intensity exercise, yoga helps relax both your body and mind and can be done at a range of levels, from beginner to expert. A great way to get the blood pumping around the body and a wonderful hobby, yoga is a great addition to a person’s lifestyle. You might even find there are some welcoming yoga classes in your area and you can make new friends as well.

Ally and Victor from Yogarove explain: “Yoga is one of the best practices you can implement in order to increase and maintain your mobility. Mobility is vital to maintaining a good quality of life because it is what helps you move!”

READ MORE: Yoga for seniors – why it’s useful and how to get started

Swimming Pool

We know that most people are not in a position to simply nip online and buy a swimming pool, however, for those who have a pool in their local area, you might be surprised to know just how beneficial swimming can be as a part of your routine.

Due to the nature of swimming, it allows you to move all of your body with very limited resistance, as the water helps take the load off. This means that you can get some great exercise without needing to put too much pressure on your body. Many leisure centres offer water aerobics classes targeted at people who want to kickstart their fitness, so why not see if your local facility has something on offer that might suit you?

Great exercise equipment for those with limited mobility:

  • Seated pedal exerciser
  • Treadmill
  • Grip strength tools
  • Yoga mat
  • Swimming pool

Taking the time to add exercise to your routine is important for all and can be especially beneficial for those with limited mobility. With these pieces of equipment, you should be able to improve your personal fitness and you might even be able to address your mobility with ease. However, should you need more help in your day-to-day life, taking the time to look at stairlift prices and get other mobility equipment installed can improve your independence in the long term.

READ MORE: Simple things you can do to keep healthy (that isn’t exercise)

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