27 November 2019

Best books to get your grandchildren

grandparents reading to children

If you’re ever looking for the perfect gift for your grandchild, you can’t go wrong with a good book. Whether they are written to make the little ones chuckle or teach them a valuable life lesson, gifting a book will also mean you can spend some quality time with your grandchild by reading it together. In this guide, we reveal some of the best books you can buy your grandchildren.

Gangsta Granny by David Walliams

A book that’ll be sure to make your grandchildren laugh is Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. Proving that although grandparents may not be as active as they once were, and may even rely on UK home stairlifts, they can still be loads of fun to be around. The story follows a young boy who dreads staying at his grandmother’s house every weekend until he discovers a box of jewels and can’t wait to find out all his granny’s hidden secrets. This entertaining book quickly became a number one bestseller and is a great story to teach your grandchild more about your life beyond being a grandparent.

The Christmas Tree Wish by Karen Inglis

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A perfect pre-Christmas gift for your grandchildren that would be fantastic to read together on Christmas Eve is The Christmas Tree Wish. We spoke to the author Karen Inglis to find out more: “This is a heart-warming tale for ages 3+ about hope, friendship and being different. It was inspired when I saw a small, bedraggled Christmas tree left unsold a few days before Christmas a few years ago. My heart went out to him and I just knew that I had to give him a happy ending!

“It tells the story of a little Bruce Spruce who is dreaming about finding a home for Christmas Day, but when he discovers that the snowfall has broken two of his branches is worried that no one will choose him. The story aside, children and grown-ups love the stunning pen and ink illustrations which bring all the tree characters to life.

“The main lesson the story teaches (in a very subtle way) is that none of us are perfect, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t loved. It also teaches the value of friendship as Penelope Pine, Douglas Fir and Cedrick Cypress all help little Bruce Spruce blow the snow off his branches and then, when he sees the broken branches, reassure him that he will be fine as he worries that no one will want to take him home. They do this by pointing out their own imperfections. All ends well - though I won’t spoil the detailed ending for you!”

Sing to the Moon by Nansubuga Nagadya Isdahl

This heartfelt story that’s accompanied by beautiful illustrations is recommended by Emma Perry, a children’s author, who tells us: “In this stunning, imaginative picture book a grandson sits down with his grandad (Jjajja) who turns a dreary, rainy day into one filled with wonder and excitement. Magical moments for sure! I love picture books which celebrate small moments and make the reader giggle.”

Sing to the Moon is a great book that’ll teach your grandchildren, and yourself, to appreciate the happy little things in life that happen every day but often go amiss. The bond between the boy and his grandparent is heart-warming and shows a glimpse into the life of those living in Uganda.

The Secret Lake by Karen Inglis    

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Another fantastic choice of children’s book authored by Karen Inglis is The Secret Lake. Karen tells us more about the story: “For grandchildren aged 8-11, I would recommend this time travel adventure which has become a bestseller in the UK and the USA over the past year. This is a good old-fashioned adventure story in which Stella and Tom, while trying to find their elderly neighbour’s missing dog, discover a tunnel and secret lake that takes them to their home and the children living there 100 years in the past. It has an overarching theme of the value of friendship over time and distance and looking out for your siblings. It’s the sort of book I loved to read as a child, and I’m thrilled to discover that children today still hanker after a good adventure story!”

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

A classic that is much loved by children and adults alike is The Little Prince, a story filled with symbolism and moral lessons. On the website, they summarise the story as “a grown-up meeting his inner child, embodied by a Little Prince. Travelling from an asteroid, he left his rose there to discover the world.” During the little prince’s travels from his home, he makes observations on friendship, love and loneliness. This a great book to read to your grandchildren, as it teaches lessons on kindness and compassion, that has inspired many since the book was written in 1943.

The Twits by Roald Dahl

You’re likely to have already read the Roald Dahl classics to your own children when they were young, so why not share some of your favourites with your grandchildren? The Twits is one of the most popular children’s books, with the powerful message that “if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” The story follows the story of a couple who hate everything, and they spend their time playing tricks on each other. Like most other Roald Dahl classics, the fun and clever way the story is written makes it super entertaining when read out loud to children.