30 October 2018

7 activities older adults must try this winter

Activities older adults must try this winter

Winter is now just around the corner and its icy fingers are spreading around us, so it is time to start preparing for the winter months and to dig out those winter coats.

As we grow older, people’s bodies respond differently to the cold, leaving people susceptible to potential health problems. One of the best ways to avoid this is for older adults to keep themselves sharp, upbeat and youthful by trying different hobbies during the winter months.

Crystal Arzu, who is from The Middle Years Journey, says winter is the perfect time to try new hobbies:

“Winter is almost upon us and with that comes the holiday season. If we weren’t already busy, the next few months will prove to be hectic. Our daily duties will give way to shopping, holiday meal prep, decorating, and parties. The holidays are a time of the year when we push our needs aside and focus on giving to others. The older we get, the thought of being swept up in the holiday chaos is daunting. This is the best time of the year to try something new, socialize, and start a new hobby.”

It doesn’t matter whether older people suffer from mobility problems and need new stairlifts to get around their home as there are lots of indoor activities people can try. Here is a guide to the 7 best activities older adults can try this winter.

1. Walk indoors

Walk indoors to exercise

As temperatures drop and walking trails and paths ice over, walking can become treacherous, but this can all be avoided by walking indoors.

Crystal Arzu says you can easily walk indoors at your local shopping centre to avoid any bad weather whilst still getting the necessary exercise.

“Many malls have early hours during the holiday season. It’s inevitable that you will be there shopping, so why not go early in the morning and walk a few laps? While you’re at it, you can mentally prepare your shopping plan of attack and get to the stores when they open.”

2. Aquafit


Aquafit is a very popular form of exercise for older adults and classes see people do a number of exercises in shallow water.

The water is used as a resistance for exercises such as walking and jogging and it helps older adults work their hearts and strengthen their joints.

The Middle Years Journey blogger, Crystal Arzu, also thinks it is one of the best exercises you can do during the cold, winter months:

“I enjoy aquafit at my local gym. I enjoy the people in my class, and there is something so relaxing while working out in a pool. Aquafit is excellent for those with joint and muscle pain. Classes are generally one hour in length and will help you increase circulation and build strength.”

3. Join a book club

Join a book club

Reading books are another great activity for people to do during the winter months and for older people joining a book club not only allows you to bury your head into a fantasy land but it is great for you to socialise with others whilst doing so.

Crystal Arzu agrees, “I am an avid reader. I wish I had more time in the day or my weekends to sit down and read a book cover to cover. Book clubs are a great way to meet people, and they hold you accountable to complete the book in a months’ time.”

Here are some online book clubs you can join:

4. Look at attending a sewing class

Join a sewing club

Sewing is a great way to keep your mind active and is a great activity for people with mobility problems to try as it can be done from the comfort of their chair.

There are lots of things people can sew in under 10 minutes as well, according to Amber from Crazy Little Projects, who say that laptop sleeves, bookmarks, scarfs and dish towels are just some items that can be created.

There are lots of sewing and quilting classes across the UK and they are a great social activity and a fantastic way to make new friends. Here are some online classes you can join:

5. Look to grow something

Grow plants and vegetables during the winter

Even during the winter months, you can still nurture an indoor garden, and seeing something grow and giving it life will give you a great feeling. If you grow vegetables this will encourage you to eat healthier as well.

Other benefits of gardening include reducing stress and research has also found that it can reduce the incidences of dementia.

To learn more about gardening and the types of things you could potentially grow, take a look at the Gardeners Club and Flowerpotman websites. These resources can help you learn more about the different plants and vegetables you can grow this winter.

6. Play board games and try your hand at puzzles

Play board games

If the weather is too cold to go out in, then why not play board games like Monopoly, chess and scrabble with family or friends. Alternatively, if you’re on your own you could look to complete puzzles.

Board games and puzzles are a great way to keep your cognitive skills sharp and with scrabble, you will learn new words every day.

With Wentworth Wooden Puzzles you can select from a range of puzzles such as Fine Art Puzzles, extra difficult puzzles, Christmas puzzles and you can even create personalised puzzles.

7. Learn a musical instrument

Learn an instrument

The statement ‘you’re never too old to learn’ can be proven by older people who have learnt how to play a musical instrument and with the weather turning colder during the winter months it is the perfect time to start.

It may be an instrument that you have always wanted to learn such as a flute or learning how to play the guitar – your options are endless.

Fortunately, there are plenty of music classes across the UK and these include Rhythm Time and Greenwich Music School. To find your nearest music tutor, take a look at the First Tutors website here.

So, if you are looking to take up a hobby during the colder months there are lots of things you can enjoy and here we recap the 7 activities older adults must try this winter:

  • Walk indoors
  • Aqua Fit
  • Join a book club
  • Look at attending a sewing class
  • Look to grow something
  • Play board games and try your hand at puzzles
  • Learn a musical instrument