23 November 2023

How to travel comfortably in your later years

As we grow older, being able to leave the house is of utmost importance, not just to complete tasks but also for our physical and mental health, and, most importantly, to enjoy our lives. Although it may not be as easy to get up and go somewhere, whether that is on holiday to an exotic destination or a staycation, we have to ensure that some precautions have been taken into account to ensure that you are comfortable and safe during your trip.

In this guide, we have looked at some of the ways you can make sure whatever trip you take will be as comfortable as possible.


Plan Ahead

Before embarking on a trip, planning everything in as much detail as possible will be one of the first steps, especially for those travelling via an aeroplane. If you are struggling with your mobility, this is even more important, as you want to make sure that your particular needs will be taken care of.

This could be highlighted during the booking aspect by speaking to the airline or travel provider to see if there is anything they can help you with, for example, extra legroom or close to a toilet. During check-in, you may be able to get checked in quicker and even provided with a mobility aid to help you navigate your way around the airport. It is always best to speak to someone prior to arriving or at the time of booking so that your specific needs can be taken care of.

In addition to planning the beginning of the trip, you should also think about the essential things you need to take with you. This could be anything from your important medications and medical equipment, as well as what you may need to take in your carry-on and what can stay in your hold luggage, especially if you are going on a long flight.

Put your health first

Unlike the more fast-paced travel of younger years, older travellers may benefit from incorporating rest days into their itineraries, as this allows time for relaxation and recovery, ensuring that fatigue doesn't overshadow the enjoyment of the trip. This is why setting out an itinerary for the days you are away is essential, so you can plan in days to spend some time recharging.

READ MORE: What is a mobility aid?

Peace of mind


Going away on holiday can be daunting to some, especially if you have mobility or health problems. However, even though you may take all the precautions and plan your holiday down to the finest detail, unfortunately, sometimes things can be out of your control. If you were to have an accident on holiday and were to be injured, making sure you have the correct cover is an important part of your holiday planning process. Most travel insurance providers will cover many different things, such as medical expenses, lost or stolen items and even cancellations, so it is an important thing to ensure you have before setting off on your trip.

Packing essentials

Packing the right things for a trip away can feel like an adventure in itself, but there are some ways to make the experience stress-free. For example, having someone assist you with your packing can ensure that you will have everything you need for the duration of your stay. Alternatively, creating a detailed list which details everything you need to bring so that you can tick it off as you go will make it less likely that you will miss essential items.  

Another way to make sure you bring everything you need is to make sure you know what you will be doing whilst you are there. For example, if you will be exploring where you are staying and will be walking, you make sure you have comfy shoes and wear comfortable clothes.

Travel essentials


In addition to the normal packing of clothes, shoes and medication, if you struggle with your mobility, there may be some extra items you will need to take. For instance, if you rely on a mobility scooter or wheelchair, you should make the preparations to take these with you by contacting the airport or airline to make sure you are firstly able to take these with you, and then what the process would be to avoid any confusion or stress.

READ MORE: Tips for going on holiday with a disabled child

Ask for a helping hand

There is never any shame in asking for help, so when navigating flying when your mobility may not be the best, it is always a good idea to bring a travelling companion on a trip with you. Your companion can not only be someone to assist you in navigating but can be someone who can enjoy your holiday with you, too. Sometimes, having someone around you to help with the most minor tasks can really help manage the unfortunate stress that comes hand in hand with going on an aeroplane.

As we age, our desire for exploration and adventure doesn't diminish. In fact, we can find ourselves with more time and resources to embark on new travel experiences. However, travelling comfortably and being able to travel safely becomes a priority in the golden years, so certain factors must be considered.

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