02 January 2024

The best Multiple Sclerosis blogs and resources


According to the MS Society, there are over 130,000 people in the UK suffering from Multiple Sclerosis (MS), with roughly 7,000 people being newly diagnosed with MS every year. MS is a condition that affects the brain and spinal cord and can be accompanied by many symptoms.

There is currently no cure for MS, but charities and pathologists are working tirelessly to try and find a treatment for the disease. With so many people living with MS in the UK, it is no surprise that there are a plethora of blogs and resources where those with the condition share their personal experiences and stories. In this guide, we take a look at some of the best Multiple Sclerosis blogs and what they can offer readers.

The best Multiple Sclerosis blogs and resources:

  • Dinosaurs, Donkeys and MS
  • Tripping Through Treacle
  • Stumbling in Flats
  • Life on a Seesaw
  • Aid 4 Disabled

Dinosaurs, Donkeys and MS

The blog Dinosaurs, Donkeys and MS is run by Heather, a teacher, and MS Society Support Volunteer living in England. Diagnosed with MS in 2014, Heather uses her blog to share her thoughts, feelings and health updates and help others that might be struggling with the same condition or know someone who is. Heather spoke to us about her blog posts in a little more detail, explaining why she started blogging and how it has helped her:

“Dinosaurs, Donkeys and MS is all about my adventures with MS and my knitted donkey Dizzy (named after the dizziness and vertigo that I get with my MS).  As well as posting lots of pictures of Dizzy (she's a rather demanding donkey), writing about what we get up to and how we manage life with MS, we also post foody ideas, relaxation techniques, and exercises that we have come across along the way, and will hopefully help others too.”

Not only does Heather write about her life with MS, but she also has a podcast where she talks about her adventures with her toy donkey, Dizzy.

Tripping Through Treacle

Tripping Through Treacle is a well-known blog in the UK and is run by Jen, a mum of two who is living with Secondary Progressive MS (SPMS). Originally diagnosed with Relapsing-Remitting MS (RRMS), Jen blogs about her life living with her illness and uses her blog to connect with other like-minded people who are also willing to share their life experiences and challenges.

“It is an honest blog about what it is like to live with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS), whilst also trying to be an active part of family life. I try and be as healthy as I can, despite my MS, by using strategies such as diet, yoga, and meditation.  In my blog, I try and share the experiences and medical interventions that I have and use, so others living with MS do not feel so alone when living with this chronic illness.” Jenny explained to us when we asked her to explain her blog in a little more detail.

You can follow Jen's regular updates on her blog, where she shares regular health and lifestyle updates with her MS community.



Stumbling in Flats

Diagnosed with MS in 2012, Barbara started her blog, Stumbling in Flats, shortly after learning about her condition as an outlet and a place to share her thoughts and feelings about her illness and everything else in between. Since its inauguration, the blog has been read in over 150 countries and Barbara has released her very own book about her life living with the condition.

“It’s a funny old life with multiple sclerosis and I write about whatever’s on my mind, no matter how trivial or random, and not always about MS. After starting my blog in 2012, it’s now read in over 150 countries, so a huge thank-you to everyone who has supported us over the years.

“Originally from Scotland, I now live in Cardiff, South Wales and my son, The Teenager, is at University. I was diagnosed with MS in May 2012; I had my first course of Alemtuzumab (Campath/Lemtrada) in the summer of 2012 and had my second in 2013. In Autumn 2015, I had a third course.” Barbara comments on her blog.

Life on a Seesaw

Life on a Seesaw is a blog run by Kat who lives with her family in the UK. Her blog is filled with the adventures her and her family love to go on, as well as her journey with MS.

“Life on a Seesaw is about a lot of things, and my goodness, I have rewritten this bio a dozen times. Mainly though, it is about being a working mum, dreaming about the elusive work-life balance. I write about what we get up to as a family and about living with a chronic illness. After a health scare and subsequent diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, my focus has very much shifted to being healthy and looking after number one; no more diets, no more stress and lots of fresh air instead!”

Kat also has a passion for photography that allows her to focus her time and energy on something she loves: “My big passion is photography. It is something that makes me forget about any stresses or strains going on in my life at the time. When I am focused on taking a photo, I don’t think about anything, I don’t feel any pain or exhaustion. I feel blessed to have found an activity that not only brings me so much joy but also allows me to witness beautiful life moments.”

Aid 4 Disabled

Aid 4 Disabled is a blog and website that is written by Patrick who suffers with MS, but also offers resources and information for those with chronic illnesses.

“I’m Patrick and I run this website. This is a rambling series of articles based around my life disabled with Multiple Sclerosis and how I cope. It became so big that I have had to break it down into small groups which you will see on the right-hand side.”

The Aid 4 Disabled website features weekly blogs, product reviews and useful links. It is a real hub for everyone, not just those living with MS or chronic illnesses.

If you know someone with a chronic illness or someone with MS who might be struggling, these blogs are a wonderful outlet and a way for them to connect with other going through a similar situation. If you or someone you know struggles in their home due to MS or another medical condition, then take a look at our stairlift prices or get in contact with us for other affordable options. For more articles and guides like this, make sure you take a look at our blog.