04 May 2023

What is a mobility aid?


As we age, our body isn’t as nimble and agile as it may have been in its younger years and getting around may seem a little harder. But with the help of mobility aids, getting around your home and enjoying the outdoors as you once would have can become a reality once again. But first, we need to establish what a mobility aid is and how it can help people become more mobile. In this guide, we discuss what a mobility aid is, how it can help you and the different types of aids on the market. Keep reading to find out more.

What is a mobility aid?

A mobility aid is a piece of equipment that aids those with low or limited mobility to get around their home or out and about easily and as safely as possible.

Medical News Today describes a mobility aid in more detail on their website: “Mobility aids are devices designed to help people who have problems moving around enjoy greater freedom and independence.

Typically people who have disabilities or injuries, or older adults who are at increased risk of falling, choose to use mobility aids. These devices provide several benefits to users, including more independence, reduced pain, and increased confidence and self-esteem.”

How mobility aids can help

Mobility aids are often relied upon for those with reduced or low mobility and can help improve their quality of life dramatically. Mobility aids reduce the risks of accidents and can often offer peace of mind to friends and family who may worry about the safety of their relatives.

Mobility aids like mobility scooters, wheelchairs and walking aids can help out of the home and allow longer distances to be travelled or walked. Stairlifts and home lifts are great for mobility in the home, as well as things like grab rails and shower seats, which allow you to move around your home and undertake simple tasks like bathing and showering without worry.

The types of mobility aids


There are a plethora of aids that come under the mobility aid bracket, and each one offers something different. Read on to find some of the most popular mobility aids and what they’re used for below.

Walking aids

Walking aids can range from walking sticks and frames to crutches and sticks, all of which aid you when you’re walking. These sorts of aids are perfect for those who might need a little assistance when walking long distances or for a longer period.


Stairlifts are a common mobility aid that people often have installed when they notice their mobility around their home becoming strained. Stairlifts help you move up and down the stairs safely without worry of falls and slips. Stairlifts come in various shapes and sizes that will suit different needs; you can get straight stairlifts, curved stairlifts and even outdoor stairlifts that are great for gardens and commercial properties.

Grab rails

Grab rails are often fitted to the walls around bathrooms and doorways to allow the user to safely step in and out of a bath, shower or doorway with added support. Grab rails are a great inexpensive investment that can make a big difference.


Wheelchairs are quite a common mobility aid that most with mobility issues will opt for if they are going out and about and don’t have the movement or mobility to walk for a prolonged period of time. They can be either electric or manually operated, and even those who don’t use them all the time might use one occasionally when their energy is extra low, or they are fatigued.

Shower seat

A shower seat has a similar benefit to a handrail in the fact that it helps people when they’re in the shower. Shower seats allow those who can’t stand without support to sit whilst they’re in the shower. Shower seats are great for reducing the risk of slips and fall that may otherwise occur.

Mobility scooter

Mobility scooters are similar to wheelchairs and are a great alternative for those who are often out and about. Mobility scooters are charged and allow you to move around quickly and swiftly, many coming with baskets to allow you to carry goods, making them especially popular for shopping.

If you or someone you know struggles with their mobility and you’re looking for some solutions to help them around their home, or you are looking to have an aid like a stairlift or homelift installed in your home, then hopefully this guide has offered some useful tips and insights into what mobility aids are and how they can help.

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